Mouse Biopotential (ECG, EMG, EEG) Telemeter

The MT10B mouse biopotential telemeter provides high-quality data with a sampling rate up to 2 kHz for mice > 22 grams. Each telemeter allows for a single biopotential measurement, such as ECG, EMG or EEG. The single-use telemeter is shipped sterile and ready for implantation. It has a unique contoured design for smoother subcutaneous implantation and minimal tissue irritation, curving to follow the contour of the flank of the mouse. The total telemeter volume is 1.8 cc.

The telemeter does not contain a battery and remains charged through inductive wireless power transfer when within a 7 cm vertical range of the tBase. This allows mice to roam freely in their cages. 

The mouse biopotential telemeter requires the use of a tBase (MT110) and Configurator System (TR190 and ConfigSoft). 

The telemeter weighs approximately 3.0 grams (1.8 cc) with biopotential electrode leads of 8 cm long. The telemeter can transmit data 24/7 when used with the tBase. 

Mouse Biopotential (ECG, EMG, EEG) Telemeter

Biopotential Telemeter Specifications



Subject Mouse
Biopotential input range +2.5 mV
Biopotential resolution 12 bit A/D
Biopotential high pass characteristics AC coupled, single pole, -3dB point at 2 Hz
Biopotential low pass characteristics AC coupled, single pole, -3dB point at 440 Hz
Biopotential electrode leads 8 cm length, coiled stainless steel
Biopotential electrode diameter 0.42 mm
Sampling frequency 2000 Hz
Transmitted signal Fully digital at 2.4 GHz
Channels 40 transmission frequencies are available, user set
Minimum animal weight 22 grams
Outer material Ceramic (telemeter body) and polyurethane (leadset)
Volume 1.8 cc
On-off mechanism Powered when placed on the tBase and deactivated when removed from the tBase
Analog output calibration values
Activity: Uncalibrated

Biopotential: 2.048V output = 0mV input, 4.096V output = 2.5mV input

Data received: ~0V output = 0 (no data received), ~3.3V = 1 (data received)