• Modular Evolution Chassis
The EVO Chassis are create a digital interface for data transfer between FISO signal conditioners and the Evolution software.
Modular Evolution Chassis
  • FISO Signal Conditioners
The FPI–LS series conditioners are compatible with the FISO–LS pressure catheters. The technique used internally to transmit and receive the light signal allows for continuous sensing that does not rely on light pulses.
FISO Signal Conditioners
  • Fiber Optic Micro-Catheter Pressure Transducers (FISO-LS Series)
Fiber optic blood pressure measurement system for measuring blood pressure in very small vessels, isolated hearts, etc. Pressure measurement occurs at the exact location of interest.FISO–LS series pressure sensors were designed as semi-disposable for multi-use applications in the life-sciences and small animal research. Unlike its disposable counterpart in clinical applications, this sensor is more robust with a protected tip.The FISO Series Signal Conditioners and EVO Chassis are required for the use of any of the FISO–LS series fiber optic sensors.
Fiber Optic Micro-Catheter Pressure Transducers (FISO-LS Series)