Compact Black and White Test (Panlab)

Compact Black and White box for a quick evaluation of the animal anxious behavior. 

  • Compartments with independent and highly contrasted illumination
  • Associated with weight transducer technology for optimal animal detection
  • Easy to clean between two trials
  • Easy connection to a PC through RS232 port


Software: PPCWIN 

Compact Black and White Test (Panlab)
Compact Black and White Test (Panlab)2

TruScan System (Coulbourn)

The TruScan system is a versatile and simple system to monitor open field tests in rodents.

  • Robust open-field test
  • Small Arenas for Mice
  • Expandable up to 10 stations
  • Hole-board option
  • Stimulus control option (Audio, Visual and Electrical Stimuli)
TruScan System (Coulbourn)
TruScan System (Coulbourn)2