When building any structure, whether it’s a bridge or a protein, three elements are required: building materials, energy and building plans. The same is true in biological systems. Proteins are the structural material used for building. They provide the shape and substance of cells, tissues, organs and living matter. Carbohydrates are converted to energy to fuel the cellular building process. If more energy is available than is required for a project, the carbohydrates are converted to fats for long term energy storage. Finally, nucleotides within the nucleus of a cell provide the blueprints for the project.

In Muscle Physiology studies, researchers look into the cell, tissue or organ to observe the biological functions taking place. WPI offers a full line of muscle physiology products, to examine everything from a single cardiac myocyte to an entire organ.

  • Biaxial Tissue Analysis
These units are used in research laboratories for testing skin, ligaments, blood vessels, heart valves, sclera, membranes and scaffolds, really any planar biological material. Get the details here.
  • Micro Scale Compression System

Compression testing on small specimen

  • Compress specimens between 50-2000 µm
  • Motorized piezo stage
  • Integrated camera system
Micro Scale Compression System
  • Mechano FX2
  • Choose options: With 16 well plates (CS-SYSMECHANO-FX2) or No well plate (CS-MECHANO-FX2)
  • Well plates required
Mechano FX2
  • Biofluorometer
  • Two photomultiplier inputs
  • Light excitation with high-power LEDs
  • Low bleaching mode (5% LED on time)
  • Automatic LED light drift correction for long term measurements
  • Automatic room light correction
  • Up to four modes of fluorescence detection of indicator dyes and natural fluorophores
    • Single excitation / single emission
    • Dual excitation / single emission
    • Single excitation / dual emission
    • Dual excitation / dual emission
  • Optical connections: Liquid Light Guides (LLGs) or SMA terminated fibers
  • Sampling rates up to 1 kHz (1000 ratios / sec)
  • Versatile instrument for horizontal tissue bath, Langendorff and microscope applications
  • Can be combined with imaging based Sarcomere Detection System (OptiSarc)
  • Customized analysis techniques in WPI’s MDAC data acquisition software
  • Muscle Testers
Muscle testers, horizontal tissue baths and more for all the muscle physiologist needs.

Cell Tester 200

Perform muscle physiology tests on single, isolated, living cells

  • Fits ANY inverted microscope
  • Unique rotational stage–improves the experimental throughput
  • Two integral piezo manipulators included
  • Data Recording and Analysis included
Cell Tester 200
  • Horizontal Tissue Bath, 2-channel

Research system for higher throughput of complex pharmacological/physiological assays

  • Two channel system for increased productivity, easily expanded to add channels
  • Fully independent heating and fluid control for each channel
  • Low profile/small footprint
  • Variable volume, chemically inert Teflon bath with shape configurations from variable to fixed 500 µL–10 mL*
  • Modular, space-saving, blade-style electronics
  • Large variety of force transducers covering mN–N forces, all with lifetime warranty
  • Can be combined with automated fluid control systems
  • Add an electrometer like the WPI Duo773 or Electro705
Horizontal Tissue Bath, 2-channel
  • Muscle Tester Accessories
Find all the accessories you need for your SI-H Muscle Physiology platforms.