LabScribe is the powerful data acquisition software included with Lab-Trax™ (formerly DataTrax). The acquisition and data display in LabScribe is easy and straight forward. It supports real units and a time-based display that is not coupled to sample rate. You can display up to 1,000,000 data points per channel on the screen. Scrolling, zoom-in and zoom-out tools, together with a searchable list of user interventions, make finding important areas of data easy. And, of course, you can print or export anything that you see.
Lab-Trax 4/24 T Cable
- 8 pin DIN to BNC adapter
This cable probides a single-ended input to the LAB-TRAX-4-24T input for general recording (non-transducer).
LabTrax 4-Channel Data Acquisition
- 16-bit resolution
- Includes LabScribe software
The Lab-Trax-4 (standard) device offers 16-bit resolution over the ±10V input range and exhibit less than a millivolt of noise. Data communication as well as power is managed over the USB port, making it easy to use a laptop or a low-profile desktop computer that may not be equipped with expansion slots or serial ports. Data is delivered to the recorder by way of very standard front-panel-mounted BNC connectors. The available Lab-Trax hardware together with WPI’s range of signal conditioners and the LabScribe software make it the perfect choice for research systems addressing cardiovascular studies, blood pressure, cardiac electrophysiology, hemodynamic studies of the pulmonary and coronary systems, and studies of isolated tissues in organ or tissue baths. Equipment from WPI can also be used to tailor systems for epithelial studies, and many applications in neurophysiology.
Low noise, high resolution system with 8 AI and 4 AO channels
- Powerful low-noise (<1 mV RMS) and high-resolution (16 bits) data acquisition system for sampling up-to 8 Analog In-Channels and 4 Analog Out-Channels simultaneously, using standard BNC connections
- Advanced trigger control of almost any external device by adding 16 digital I/O channels, using standard BNC or DB-9 connections
- MDAC software provides easy to use interface controlling, with extensible standard and customized Data Processing and Analysis Tools
- Online Channel Math operations, general purpose Fast Fourier analysis (FFT) and digital filtering of Analog In channels
- Numerous basic signal forms can be combined to design experimental protocols, for most physiological applications
- Factory designed standard or customized protocols
- Semi-automated data analysis toolbox
- Protocol repeat function to avoid time consuming protocol programming of extended experiments
- Muscle physiology (Can be used with SI-CTS200 Cell Tester System, SI-HTB2 Horizontal Tissue Bath and SI-BF-100 Biofluorometer)
- Standalone general data recorder for Spectroscopy, Neuroscience and Electrophysiology (Can be used with EVC4000 Epithelial Voltage/Current Clamp, TBR4100 Free Radical Analyzer, Extracellular Bioamplifiers like SYS-DAM50, SYS-DAM80, SYS-900A, ISO-80, EVOM2™ Volt Ohm Meter, ATC2000 Animal Temperature Controller, BP-1 Blood Pressure Monitor or the BAT-12 Microprobe Thermometer)
- Instrument control for software triggered devices like A365/A385/A395 Constant Current Stimulators, MPS-2 Perfusion System, SYS-PV820/SYS-PV830 Pneumatic Pico Pumps, Duo 773 Intracellular amplifiers, and the SYS-TBM4M Transbridge Transducer Amplifier (e.g. for FORT force transducers)